Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 21: Something you know you do differently than most people

Well I tend to do a lot of things different than the average person, but the first one that comes to mind is that I write differently because I'm a lefty.

I really am glad to be left-handed because it makes me different. It comes with some pitfalls though: scissors, guitars, stick shifts, cameras and DESKS! Every classroom at my school is SUPPOSED to have at least one left handed desk, which I usually try and get. One day in one of my classes we had two of them; so, I got one and a girl who came in a little after me happened to sit in the other. After which, she turned around and said to the girl in front of me, "I hate these left handed desks. Sitting in them is awful. We don't even need them really. It's so uncomfortable." I didn't say anything, but it really pissed me off; I have to live in a right-handed world. She can sit in a left-handed desk one day and feel awkward, but imagine me having to adjust what I do everyday. It may seem silly, but it really made me angry. We are also more prone to illnesses; our hand writing is usually awful, and we smudge a lot because we have to write from left to right.

There are many great things about being left-handed as well, though! Since lefties' brains are wired a little bit differently we are statistically known for being high-achievers.  Among college graduates, left-handed people earn 10-15%  more than their right-handed counterparts(Waldfogel). Lefties are linked with creativity. Four out of the last seven presidents were lefties! I don't care if it's backwards, I like it.

Some famous lefties!

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