Classes are overrrrrr!! That's right, they're over! Four exams and one presentation and I am DONEZOOOO... Ahh, how refreshing.
(^^original Laguna cast, they invented "donezo")
A few of us girls were just sitting in Caroline's room, talking up a storm; my friend, Gray (Chelsey), and I were both talking about how we wish we could be called by something different than what people call us (that's confusing, sorry!). I want to be called Anna Catherine by all and she wants to be Gray; so, we decided that to start the trend, we'd call each other by those names in hopes they would catch on. Keep in note, though, I've been urging people to call me Anna Catherine for over a year now, as you may have noticed by my signature on here. Hopefully, it will really catch on this time!
Tomorrow is reading day, and a very busy day it will be! Wish me luck and say a few prayers!
Goodnight World,
Anna Catherine
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