Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ranting is good for me!

I am worn slam out from last week, and lo and behold, this week is going to be worse. Luckily my written exam has been postponed to Monday. Unfortunately I still have three papers to be turned in and two books to be read. My apologies for not being up on things lately, but a girl can only do so much!

I am about to nap, fix dinner, then dive into my homework and not come out until Friday. 

Here's my favorite thing right now; watch and enjoy:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Change of Plans

So instead of going to lovely Cancun for Spring Break, Megan (hey, here's a shout-out, girl!!) her crew and I are going once school gets out! What a way to start off summertime!!

AND NOW for Spring Break, I'm going to Dirty Myrtle again! Last year was so much fun, and this year is just going to be even better! I can't wait!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear warm weather, hurry up!

I went shopping yesterday... and spent way too much money. I can't help it though! I bought the most beautiful Lilly dress; it will last me forever (I hope)!
I'm obsessed. It will be perfect for Easter, with a white sweater and my white Jacks! I need to win the lottery  if I'm going to keep up these shopping habits!

Cancun is drawing closer! I am getting even more excited about it!
I plan on being tan tan tan when I come back, but from past experiences and hereditary factors it isn't likely.

I'll probably look like this:

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